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Dear users of equipment for non-destructive testing!
You are browsing the new version of our Internet site. Over more than 10 years that passed since the moment of our enterprise establishment we have developed a lot of new equipment and now are happy to present it to you.
The innovation of last several years became the new technology of radiography – technology FOSFOMATIC. This technology allows the substitution of X-ray films by reusable phosphorous plates. The phosphorous plate is flexible and light like ordinary X-ray film. It could be cut according to the necessary size. Differing from the film phosphorous plates could be used on the light and they don’t require any time-consuming development process. The most important difference of the FOSFOMATIC plate from X-ray film consists in the possibility of its multiple re-use (up to 20 000 exposures per one plate).
The quality of the images, obtained on FOSFOMATIC is not inferior but very often is better than the quality of similar images on X-ray film. The dynamic range of FOSFOMATIC is 10 times higher than that of X-ray film, which allows obtaining the images of the objects with bigger thickness difference on one radiograph. Extremely high sensitivity of FOSFOMATIC allows the reduction of exposure in 5-10 times, which saves working time and service life of expensive X-ray tube; methods of work remaining unchangeable. This gives the possibility to proceed to operation without any additional training of the staff.
Using FOSFOMATIC instead of X-ray film you save significantly the money, avoid the wet process and increase considerably the operability of the work.
The product mix of popular cable X-ray units EXTRAVOLT is expanded. These are first cable type units created in Russia, equipped with high-frequency converter. They are designed for the use of cermet and glass X-ray tubes. According to their parameters these units are equal to the products of leading world producers. We also produced first Russian portable X-ray units MCT, based on cermet tubes. In our units we install X-ray tubes of company THALES ELECTRON DEVICES that are one of the best in the world.
We considerably expanded the list of X-ray television systems. In addition to them we developed a range of automated manipulators that allowed us to create special X-ray television complexes of series FILIN. We offer more than 30 types of universal and special complexes, designed to solve the wide range of radiation control tasks practically in any branches of industry.
Over last three years we developed together with company Sherwin-Babco (USA-France) the automatic complexes for magnetic particle and liquid pentrant radiography. You can get acquainted with them on the pages of our site as well.
The basis for all automatic complexes is the system of image improvement and processing “SOVA+”, being according to the specialist opinions one of the best in the world. The “SOVA+” system is already 15 years old. Over last 4 years the software was completed with unique algorithms of automated scanning and interpretation of flaws for the radiation, magnetic powder and liquid penetrant inspections. At date in the software more than 140 different functions are implemented; many of these functions are unique both by ideology and by rate of operation. We also succeeded to keep that usability which was appropriate to first versions of the program.
Over last 4 years we paid a lot of attention and spent a lot of forces on the industrial tomography. And the results were fruitful. We developed and implemented several; unique tomography scanners that are used, for example, in the inspection of turbine blades and light-alloy castings. The possibility to scan any sections and to restore completely the 3d-structure of the object allows carrying out the full adjustment of the whole technological production process. The biggest tomography scanner, produced by TESTRON Ltd allows checking the objects of diameter exceeding 2 m, and it is used for the definition of munitions condition at the plants of chemical weapon destruction.
We also offer the whole range of ultra-sonic equipment for non-destructive testing. In addition to traditional ultra-sonic thickness gages and scanners we offer for your consideration the complex ultra-sonic systems DIO-2000 and unique portable stations of ultra-sonic control ISONIC.
Traditionally we offer consumables and accessories for X-ray, liquid penetrant and magnetic powder examinations. The innovation in this topic is X-ray film of company “KODAK” and magnetic powders of company “Bab Co”.
The high quality of our equipment production gives us the possibility to offer you the 3-year guarantee on most part of equipment we produce.
We invite you to visit our office in Saint Petersburg to get acquainted with our production facilities and equipment and to examine your pieces on demonstration systems. Our managers would take into consideration all your wishes at the selection of necessary equipment set. When addressing to us you would get comprehensive recommendations from the experts having more than 10-year experience in the developments of the equipment for non-destructive testing. We would be happy to help you in the release of competitive products. We would be happy to help you in the release of competitive products.
Hoping for your cooperation,
Boris Kramer
President of the group of companies TESTRON